Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy First Easter

Mason's first Easter...what a great time. He couldn't understand all the excitement, but we made some fun memories anyway. JP and I couldn't resist dying a few eggs for the boy. Mason was fascinated with the stark white eggs (tried to pick them up and throw them down...bad idea, lots of cracks). And he couldn't understand why he couldn't touch the freshly dyed eggs.

Grammy D (mom) continued her tradition of spring sugar cookies. Mason and I ventured up to her house and made it a family affair. We baked and decorated over 6 dozen cookies. And as usual, we went over the top with our sugar icing. At one point, Mason scooted into the kitchen, wrapped his arms around my calf and rested his head on my leg like he was exhausted. It took us almost 4 hours, but we were so proud of the end result...and they were extra tasty.

Then we woke up early Easter Sunday to have a little family time before we went to church. Mason joined me on stage during Praise Team practice and he had a blast listening to the drums and bass guitar. He was such a trooper during service but gave out before it was time for Communion. Mason really put the Easter season in perspective for me. I'm grateful that Jesus gives us the opportunity to have a Great eternal life of blessing in heaven and I'm excited for Mason to make that connection in his own life.

We entertained Aunt Mo (Maureen) and Grammy D for a late afternoon Easter BBQ and egg hunt. The girls were so excited to find that they had chocolate-filled eggs to hunt for. And Mason had no idea what to think or do when I showed him the eggs that were his to find. (Great big Thank You to Grammy D for finding the camo basket that far surpassed anything that I could have found for him myself).

As I mentioned before, the girls were motivated by their chocolate-filled eggs. Mason, however was so surprised to find the treasures within his eggs. I hid some of his favorite snacks in the eggs (cherry puffs and veggie crackers). After opening a few eggs for him, he got so excited and started snacking.

It was a great celebration of such an important holiday in our lives. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, for without it, we would be without an eternal hope.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, I just love reading your blog stories, what a talent. And... are those "camo" eggs?? Goodness! I'm shaking my head in disbelief, ha! But really,Leslie, these are seriously cute pictures!! Mason is a baby "hunk"!
