Sunday, April 4, 2010

Daddy's boy

Mason's has always been attached to his mama. Let's face it, I'm his playmate most days, so he's going to reach for me regularly. But over the course of the past few weeks, Mason has been watching his daddy closer and closer, wanting to learn from JP. He's been relaxing in dad's lap, taking naps in him and letting JP rock him down when he's having a rough evening (yea for mama). A few days ago, Mason was just too tired to keep playing so he cried out for his daddy. After, only a few minutes in JP's arms, Mason passed out in this exact about comfort!?!?!

Mason has also been very aware of what Dad does when he goes outside. When JP was mowing the lawn to get ready for Easter, Mason sat in his walker and watched out the window for 20 minutes while JP made round after round. He is watching and taking it all in...I'm sure he's dreaming of the day when he gets to follow in his daddy's footsteps because the Lord knows he enjoys every toy that has a steering wheel.

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