Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm a big kid now

What possessed us to dress up our little boy to make him look so grown up. The time is flying by at light-speed and we are just amplifying it with Sunday clothes like this. Someone at church made the comment that he'll be ready for school next year if he keeps growing at his current rate. He's a little disappointed in the shoes though...they keep him from chewing on his toes.

Speaking of church, JP has had a great year heading up the Meek Wagon. It is a bar-b-que ministry through our church. We give away free tacos once a quarter and take the opportunity to minister to the people when needed. Mason and I were able to join him for the first time for the most recent event and had a blast. I've either been pregnant or watching a new-born. We had a great time and served 500 tacos. Here's a few pictures from the event.

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