...hold on and don't let go, especially of your dreams.
JP and I have been prayerfully pondering our career paths for months now. We want to make sure we are doing exactly what we are supposed to do all while making sure enough money comes into this family circle to keep the wheels spinning. But sometimes walking the walk of faith STRETCHES your faith in what you may or may not have.
Suffice it to say, we have been feeling the economic strain that so many others have felt. We were talking this morning about the slowing real estate market and wondered how long we can hold on. JP has been applying for other part-time work to fill in the holes of our budget, with few positive responses. We talked about trusting God and then my husband said the saddest thing I've heard him say. He started talking about letting go of some of his dreams for the future...special family trips, memorable places to explore and special hunts to enjoy. He was at the end of his rope.
Without going into great detail, God met my husband and gave him peace about dreaming his dreams. At the precise moment of being at the end of his rope, God jumped right in, through an unexpected phone call, and gave my husband (and me) hope that better things were ahead. There is much more faith-walking ahead, but we both know that Jesus doesn't want us to give up on our dreams. He simply wants us to give those dreams to Him so that He can return them in the most unusual packages that gives Him all the credit.
So we tie a knot in our rope, we resolve to hold on and DREAM BIG as we take steps forward.