Monday, November 30, 2009

It's cold outside

Finally got the chance to turn the heater on this afternoon. First time this season and as usual, we set off the smoke alarm in the hallway. I don't care how clean we keep the filter and return-air grill, that alarm sings every year like clockwork (it's our way of testing it). Tis the season for fuzzy slippers, fleece tops, snuggly blankets and Christmas decorations.

Our little chrome-domed son is enjoying the cooler temperatures. Sad to say he's hot natured like his parents, but his beanie has become a regular part of his daily outfits. He's great when it comes to hats. He is not bothered with them at all, which is a blessing seeing that his hair is growing slow. I will have to say it's funny to watch it work up and off of his head as he jumps in his jumperoo.

I'm also excited about the temperatures because if FEELS like we are approaching Christmas time. I know that a South Texas winter leaves much to the imagination, but I enjoy the cool snap in the air. It just makes that warm cup of coffee in the morning that much more enjoyable. And it inspires me to break out my cedar candles in preparation for the Christmas decorations.

I took Mason to go see Grammy D and her christmas tree this past weekend. Mom got an early start to the decorating. He sat under the tree, grabbing the branches and was mesmerized by the lights. I can't wait to get our tree up this week and document his response to his first Christmas.

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