Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Road Crusties

Anyone that has grown up with a dirt driveway or a dirt road nearby will recognize this picture. For me, it offers a peak into a great set of childhood memories...road crunsties just waiting to be crushed. I have to say it brings a smile to my face every time I see these. Crunching on these crusties a week or two after a rain was a point of sheer joy for me as a child. I'd weave back and forth down our driveway as a kid, working from one rut to the other. The sound was very satisfying as a child...actually, it is still pretty satisfying.

And I've witnessed the joy unfold for Mason. He has always had a fascination with the deep rut in our driveway. It's in a low spot and is actually about 3 or 4 inches deep. Every time he and I go for a walk-about, he pulls me over to the rut so he can walk through it. Well, now that we are days past our most recent gully-washer, the ground beneath his feet went crunch-crunch. He stopped, looked down, then up and smiled. He's found another simple pleasure of country life.

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